Lots of people ask me how much a job board can make. I usually start by telling them the job board industry is a very mature one which means there are no get rich quick sites you can launch. You can however launch one and run it on the side and get supplemental income from it. If you want real revenue your best best is probably to buy an existing site that has revenue of $30k or more. A site with those sales numbers is something you could potentially make a living on.
There are plenty of niche job boards out there with sales of $100k or less. I know some niches sites that have great domains for basic niches (marketing jobs, manufacturing jobs, etc.) and make between $50-100k each year.
Generally speaking, the smaller the niche the less you’ll make.
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Hi Chris,
when you mention 30K$/y you say “A site with those sales numbers is something you could potentially make a living on”
I think this is a very personal thing, in South America I could make a living with less than half of that 🙂
I’m sure you are right, i was speaking more about the U.S. i guess…