A reader alerted me that Smart Job Board upped their prices a bit so I thought I would do a quick recap of the top “off the shelf” software products. These products are all hosted in the cloud and are self-configurable. I recommend them for beginners who want to get started quickly.
These are the least expensive way to get your job board off the ground. To put it another way, ‘job boards in a box‘.
1. Smart Job Board: It used to be $50 but even at $79/mo their basic package is still a great value. [link]
2. Jobboard.io basic package stands at $249 which is a high point in their history from what I remember. [link] i think their checkout process is a little smoother than Smart’s if you are looking for differences. They also don’t have the total job restrictions that comes with Smart (active job listings). [link]
3. JobMount‘s basic price point stands at $295 which has been steady for a while. With them you get a free 6 month job spidering (scraping) and the ability to take your code with you to put on your own server. [link]
4. JobboardHQ is $295/mo. Link.